Veterinary pharmacovigilance parts 1 and 2 – New podcast episode

In focus / 13 February 2025

Pharmacovigilance is integral to ensuring medicines and vaccines safety for people, but what about our furry friends? Join us as we take a deep dive into veterinary PV.

Animals are a big part of our lives in many ways: from pets, to agriculture, and even as a means of transport and as a food source. Over the last couple of years, and even a few weeks ago, we are also reminded on how much animal health affects our own health and vice versa with the ever-present threat of zoonotic pathogens. How then, do we monitor the medicines and vaccines safety of our furry friends?

In this two-part episode of Drug Safety Matters, James Mount, Veterinary Pharmacovigilance assessor at the Swedish Medical Products Agency, and EU elected chair of the Pharmacovigilance Working Party for veterinary medicinal products, joins the show to talk about veterinary PV practice and its differences and similarities to human PV. Listen in to learn more on how comparable veterinary PV is to human PV, the kinds of adverse drug reactions reported in veterinary PV databases, and how exposure of humans to medicines for animals and vice versa impact their safety.

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