Empowering patients as partners – New podcast episode

In focus / 06 September 2023

A patient’s perspective can lead to new insights that traditional research may overlook. Yet how may we best harness their perspective to improve patient outcomes?

In this special long-reads episode, Manal Younus elaborates on her work on patient engagement, and how their perspective impacts drug safety monitoring and pharmacovigilance. Stay tuned for their discussion after the article, which goes into detail on how healthcare providers can more effectively engage patients, how patients themselves can become more involved in drug safety monitoring, and how the patient’s voice impacted pharmacovigilance of a specific drug: valproate.

This episode is part of the Uppsala Reports Long Reads series – the most topical stories from UMC’s pharmacovigilance news site, brought to you in audio format. Find the original article here. Subscribe by visiting the Drug Safety Matters website.

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