The colour of signals – New podcast episode

Research / 02 October 2023

Herbals have been our go-to remedy for thousands of years, so why is it that we still know so little about their side-effects compared to modern medicines?

In this long reads episode, author Daniele Sartori elaborates further on the themes of his Uppsala Reports article on the issue of lack of research on herbal medicines. In his discussion with Drug Safety Matters podcast host Federica Santoro, Daniele covers potential solutions to this problem, such as how to encourage safety data collection for herbals, and how to improve nomenclature and regulation of herbals.

This episode is part of the Uppsala Reports Long Reads series – the most topical stories from UMC’s pharmacovigilance news site, brought to you in audio format. Find the original article here. Subscribe by visiting the Drug Safety Matters website.

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