Joining the existing courses Introduction to WHODrug and Signal detection and causality assessment, this new one-hour module teaches the value of statistical reasoning and algorithms in pharmacovigilance. In particular, the module explains the concept of disproportionality analysis and shows how to compute different measures of disproportionality.
In addition to the new content, UMC’s online pharmacovigilance training now also features improved language support for better accessibility.
“All modules of Signal detection and causality assessment and our new Statistical reasoning and algorithms in pharmaco-vigilance module can now be viewed with either English or Spanish subtitles,” said Johanna Stenlund, project leader of the UMC distance learning programme at UMC.
“Boosting language support is a priority for us and we will soon be able to offer a basic pharmacovigilance course in spoken Spanish as well.”
UMC’s online training courses are open and free of charge to anyone who wants to learn about pharmacovigilance.