Articles tagged as 'education'

12 results

UMC education went online to fit new reality – in the process reached more students
The pandemic put UMC’s face-to-face training activities on hold, but online the courses are reaching more people from more countries than ever before.

Countering narratives of distrust key to convincing the vaccine hesitant
Understanding the difference between anti-vaccination belief and vaccine hesitancy is key to setting public health communication strategies, and the stakes have never been higher.

Modernising pharmacovigilance education
Junior doctors are woefully unprepared in managing and reporting ADRs. However, a research team in the Netherlands plan to change that by rethinking pharmacovigilance education.

Reforming pharmacovigilance education – New podcast out now
Lack of knowledge on reporting and adverse drug reactions in general greatly impact pharmacovigilance, yet how may education be improved to tackle this?

The power of going digital: HSA ADR News Bulletin now reaches more readers
To reach more readers, the HSA undertook a digitalisation project of their news bulletin for communicating signal data. The results reveal the impact of going digital.

Regional and international cooperation informing patient safety in Oman
Since achieving full membership of the WHO Programme for International Drug Monitoring (PIDM) in 1996, Oman has steadily built an active, well-respected national centre.

Celebrating 30 years of pharmacovigilance education
This year marks the 30th anniversary of PV education provided by UMC. To celebrate, one of the first course participants reflects on his experience of the course he took in 1993.

UMC signal detection and causality assessment workshop schools both teachers and students
Working together with students on their signal assessments made clear to teachers the challenges that national centres face in their pharmacovigilance work.

Community is the future of pharmacovigilance
A pharmacoepidemiologist reflects on two decades of international pharmacovigilance training and sees the future in a strengthening global community of practitioners.

Botswana’s pharmacovigilance system set to gain from integration of VigiMobile
BoMRA have taken a significant step to better manage AEFI reporting with a training programme that aims to empower them to train their staff and HCPs.